Gaofeng Bags Co., Ltd., formerly known as Shenzhen Gaofeng Bags Factory, was founded in 2000. It was converted from a factory to a limited business in 2017, incorporating industry and trade into its operations. Gaofeng specializes in the manufacture of leather goods and bags, as well as other specialty fabrics. The company is a frequent provider of bags and specific textile equipment to the German army, police, and firefighting services.
Gaofeng believes that quality is the key to survival and has developed tight manufacturing controls as a result. They try to produce the greatest products possible, from the initial concept through the final product inspection. Each stitch demonstrates their dedication to both utility and aesthetics. They prioritize quality in order to produce military-grade goods that can resist rigorous testing and tempering. GFBags is dedicated to offering outstanding customer service. They offer a dedicated customer support team that is accessible to answer any inquiries or concerns that consumers may have.
Founded: 2000
Headquarters: GU Case G Building, Guangzhou, China