Chanel, created in 1921 by Coco Chanel, is at the top of the list, with 52.9 million Instagram followers. This brand is well-known as one of the most costly handbag brands in the world of fashion. Chanel handbags are always pricey, thus the people who own them must be wealthy. However, the quality of the bags and their design is always admired, as they are long-lasting and do not go out of style. Since 1955, Chanel Classic has been a women's handbag with a small design, as opposed to prior stunning handbags with big sizes.
Chanel handbags are one of the brands that bag collectors appear to be obsessed with. It seemed to last an eternity. It is known as a sign of luxury and the best, the most elegant, thanks to the classic cotton themes mixed with the interlocking CC emblem. The double flap, with a little inner flap that divides the compartment and has a direct water-resistant effect and prevents falling and losing the items within, is a feature of these bags. The incredibly adaptable strap design is the next highlight. With the twin drawstring design, Coco Chanel wants their consumers to be more comfortable. With this strap design, you may wear it crossbody, shoulder, or wrist without much fear.
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