Dior was founded in 1946 by the renowned designer Christian Dior and has since become France's most famous couture brand, with global recognition. With its beautiful, stylish, and high-quality bags, the brand is renowned as one of the most popular bag brands in the world. If you are a handbag enthusiast, you will notice that the design of Dior Paris bags is focused on minimalism, sophistication, and excellence in every aspect. Dior now has 42 million Instagram followers.
Dior's designs are strongly influenced by classic and modern elements. Dior handbags combine timeless elegance with the brand's unique Haute Couture attitude. Genuine Dior bags are distinguished by their wide range of styles and textures. The saddle, square, or rectangular box shape is practical and minimalist, as preferred by Dior designers. Dior bags, in particular, are constantly clothed in vibrant and eye-catching colors, and every detail exudes the most trendy and young attractiveness. Furthermore, Dior purses are made from high-quality materials with meticulous craftsmanship. Dior manufactures materials such as normal calf leather and calf leather exclusively.
Detailed information:
Website: https://www.dior.com/en_vn
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dior/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diorbeauty/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dior