Charlie's Angels

The 2000 action-comedy film "Charlie's Angels," directed by McG and starring Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu as the titular Angels, is a stylish and entertaining adaptation of the beloved 1970s TV series. The lead trio's charisma, humor, and physical prowess are the film's strongest aspect, with each actress bringing her own unique style and personality to the roles. The chemistry between the three actresses is palpable, and their performances add to the film's overall entertainment value.

Lucy Liu's performance as Alex Munday, one of the Angels, deserves particular attention, bringing a level of toughness and intelligence to her character and elevating her beyond the typical action hero stereotype. Alex is a skilled fighter and problem solver, but she is also empathetic and compassionate, making her a well-rounded and complex character.

However, one of the film's weaker aspects is its plot, which is somewhat convoluted and relies heavily on twists and turns. While the film's focus is on the action and comedy, the plot often feels like an afterthought, and some of the twists can be confusing or contrived.

Still, "Charlie's Angels" is an enjoyable film that successfully updates the classic TV series for a modern audience. While the plot may be convoluted, the film's focus on action and comedy make it a must-see for fans of the genre and one of the best movies of Lucy Liu.

Release: 2000

Cast: Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 70%

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Top 5 Best Movies of Lucy Liu

  1. top 1 Set It Up
  2. top 2 Chicago
  3. top 3 Kill Bill: Vol 1
  4. top 4 Shanghai Noon
  5. top 5 Charlie's Angels

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