Set It Up

"Set It Up," directed by Claire Scanlon and produced by Emma Stone, is a romantic comedy that brings a fresh and relatable perspective to modern love in the workplace. Zoey Deutch and Glen Powell give captivating performances as overworked assistants who come up with a scheme to set up their demanding bosses, portrayed by Lucy Liu and Taye Diggs.

The film's plot is cleverly crafted with unexpected twists and turns, making it a refreshing and unpredictable watch. "Set It Up" also explores the themes of career ambition and work-life balance in a thoughtful and nuanced way, providing a modern and relatable backdrop for the romantic plot.

Liu and Diggs deliver nuanced and dynamic performances that add complexity and depth to their characters, making for a compelling counterpoint to the central romance. Their relationship chemistry is intricate and fascinating, providing an interesting exploration of power dynamics and the challenges of navigating complex workplace relationships.

Release: 2018

Cast: Zoey Deutch, Glen Powell, Lucy Liu, Taye Diggs

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 92%

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Top 5 Best Movies of Lucy Liu

  1. top 1 Set It Up
  2. top 2 Chicago
  3. top 3 Kill Bill: Vol 1
  4. top 4 Shanghai Noon
  5. top 5 Charlie's Angels

Toplist Joint Stock Company
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