Chia Protein

Chia seeds come from the South American plant Salvia hispanica. They've grown in popularity as a nutritional supplement, including in smoothies, porridges, and baked goods, and can even be made into chia protein powder.
Depending on the brand, a quarter-cup (28-gram) serving of chia protein powder has roughly 50 calories and 10 grams of protein. It's low in the essential amino acid lysine, like other seed-based proteins. Chia seeds in powdered form may be easier to digest. Protein digestibility of the raw seed was just 29% in a test tube study, compared to 80% for chia powder. This means that your body will be able to absorb more amino acids. Chia powder also includes 8 grams of fiber per serving, as well as significant quantities of various vitamins and minerals, such as biotin and chromium.