Chotto Damatte
"Chotto Damatte" is a concise manga, encompassing five chapters neatly compiled into a single volume, skillfully crafted by the talented Deco Yamano. Its serialization in Lynx commenced in 2017.
The protagonist, Dengo Saika, possesses an extraordinary ability—direct communication with others through their minds. However, an unexpected encounter takes a sour turn when a stranger accuses Saika of excessive mental chatter.
Their initial meeting is marked by the stranger's rudeness. Upon their subsequent interaction, the stranger reveals his unique capability to hear Saika's thoughts exclusively. In an attempt to quell Saika's mental musings, an unconventional solution unfolds with an unexpected kiss.
To mitigate the eerie nature of hearing Saika's thoughts, the stranger proposes a romantic involvement. Despite the unconventional attempt at a relationship, Saika, driven by remorse, desires a deeper understanding of his enigmatic counterpart. The narrative culminates with Saika, now intrigued, mustering the courage to inquire about the stranger's name, unraveling the threads of a captivating and unconventional tale within the confines of a single volume.
Author: Yamano Deko
Genre: Romance, Supernatural
Status: Completed
Chapters: 5
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