Practiced Liar

“Practiced Liar” is a manga series by Medamayaki, published by Peach Kyoudai. The story is set in a world full of noise, as perceived by the protagonist, Miura. Miura possesses an innate ability to read minds, which exposes him to the true feelings of people around him. This constant exposure makes him deeply distrustful of others.

One day, he encounters Abe, a reserved university club junior known for his extreme quietness. Surprisingly, Abe transforms into a chatterbox, passionately expressing his pure love for Miura. Despite Miura's predisposition to distrust, this unexpected revelation challenges his perceptions, offering a twist in their dynamic as Abe's unfiltered emotions disrupt Miura's guarded world with a relentless outpouring of genuine affection.

Within the BL genre, "Practiced Liar" stands out for its nuanced portrayal of characters and the delicate dance between truth and deception. The story delves into the complexities of human emotions, showcasing the impact of honesty and vulnerability in the realm of romantic relationships.

With its engaging plot and well-developed characters, "Practiced Liar" offers readers a captivating journey through the intricacies of love, trust, and the consequences of practiced deceit.

Author: Medamayaki

Genre: Romance

Status: Completed

Chapters: 6

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