Chronicles of Everlasting Wind and Sword Rain
"Chronicles of Everlasting Wind and Sword Rain" is an enthralling Chinese anime crafted by Ruo Hong Culture. Comprising 70 episodes, each lasting 8 minutes, this series transports us to ancient China, a realm marred by a timeless struggle between humans and demons.
The narrative unfolds through the journeys of Zhang Kuangyun and Princess Tianhu, also known as Bai Binglan. Their paths intersect through a twist of fate, sparked by a misunderstanding. Bai Binglan, determined to delve into the secrets of her foes, takes on a covert role at Zhang Kuangyun's side, gradually becoming her loyal companion.
Yet, identity disparities, diverging ideologies, and emotional maturation complicate their partnership. Zhang Kuangyun's quest leads him to a heart-wrenching revelation - the hidden massacre of his aunt and teacher's family. A vast, intricate conspiracy emerges, challenging the very fabric of their world.
- Release date: July 11, 2020
- Developed by: Ruo Hong Culture
- Number of episodes: 70
- Watch here: