Fog Hill of Five Elements
"Fog Hill of Five Elements" is a captivating Chinese anime, brought to life by Samsara Animation Studio and Nice Boat Animation. It transports viewers to an alternate ancient China, a realm teeming with supernatural forces, where humanity wields the power of the Five Elements. The storyline unfolds through the eyes of a chosen official, gifted with the rare ability to harness these elemental forces.
Legends of this enigmatic world speak of monstrous beings dwelling within the treacherous misty peaks of Fog Hill, the only ones capable of bestowing this extraordinary power. The journey to unlock this potential is fraught with peril, as trekkers brave the shrouded mountains, seeking to unlock their hidden potential.
As the tale unravels, "Fog Hill of Five Elements" promises an enthralling adventure, blending Chinese mythology with stunning animation, inviting viewers to explore a world where the boundaries of human potential are pushed to the limit.
- Release date: 2020
- Developed by: Samsara Animation Studio and Nice Boat Animation
- Number of episodes: 3
- Watch here: