Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test

One typical issue about pregnancy tests is that they are difficult to read - how many lines mean positive, again? Is that a new line or a reflection?
It's not fun to play the guessing game during an already sensitive period. That is why the Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test can be quite beneficial. It features a countdown meter that flashes to let you know when it's ready to read, and it spells out your results in words rather than lines.
This Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test also claims to be sensitive enough to test 5 days before your missed period (which it most likely is in many cases), but it will be most accurate if you wait until after your period should have started — in fact, in 2011 study we mentioned earlier, this digital test detected only 54% of pregnancies on the day of a missed period. However, Clearblue's technology may have evolved since then. This test comes in packs of five.
Price: $
Pros: When the results are ready, the smart countdown function alerts you, and the display window displays a progress bar, allowing you to test and then rest (or try to). There is no need for timing or counting.
Cons: According to external studies, it may not be as reliable in the days preceding a missed period, despite claims that it may detect pregnancy up to 5 days prior.
Results time: This is not advertised, however, the smart countdown indicates it during testing.
Display method: Digital word display