Easy@Home Ovulation & Pregnancy Test Kit
If you're trying to conceive and want more information, you can get a pregnancy test kit. This Easy@Home Ovulation & Pregnancy Test Kit comes with 10 pregnancy test strips and 40 ovulation test strips.
Ovulation test strips function similarly to pregnancy tests, however, they look for an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH). This tells you if you're likely to ovulate in the next 24 to 48 hours, so you'll know when to start trying for a kid. Then, two weeks later, use one (or more) of the pregnancy test strips to see what happened.
If you're going to be conducting a lot of ovulation and pregnancy testing, Easy@Home Ovulation & Pregnancy Test Kit is a good alternative because you won't have to buy a bunch of individual (and more expensive) tests. You can also download the company's free app, which simplifies cycle tracking.
Price: $
Pros: This kit includes both ovulation and pregnancy tests, and you can follow your findings in the app (access included) to better predict ovulation.
Cons: Some users may find the line approach less dependable and more difficult to comprehend. Reviewers have reported negative findings with these strips when other tests, such as First Response and Clear Blue, have produced positive results.
Results time: 3 to 5 minutes
Display method: Line test
Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SXCXJV4