Most of the clothing in Timor Leste is manufactured from domestic fabrics and is part of the nation's traditional wardrobe. Tais, the traditional fabric of Timor Leste, are produced in two different designs known as mane and feto. Mane Tais is a type of Timor Leste apparel that is worn around the waist in a sarong-like fashion. Another item of clothing from Timor-Leste is the feto tais, which is made into a long tube that a woman can step inside and wear like a dress.
These two items of traditional attire from Timor Leste have a long history dating back to the days when they were traded for livestock, gold, silver, and other valuables. The Tais continue to hold a unique significance due to the symbols and patterns that have been painted on them. The designs depict East Timor's history, and they also highlight the significance of numerous locations to the local culture.