People Life
Timor Leste's history has been turbulent. People in the nation have endured centuries of Portuguese colonial control and Indonesian incursions. Even if the economy of the nation is already recuperating, there is still much room for growth. There is a lot of unemployment and poverty. The populace continues to grin in the face of misfortune. When they meet new people, they extend handshakes and grin broadly. People from East Timor are renowned for being amiable. These folks respond favorably to humor. They use humor to deal with their troubled history.
The patriarchal nature of the society in the nation limits women's responsibilities to caring for children and taking care of the home. Domestic abuse affects women throughout the nation. There are also many rape cases. Forced and young marriages are frequent. The effect is teenage pregnancies. Men rule society, and their decisions are considered definitive. Patrilocal residency is the norm in East Timorese extended families.