Coding All-in-One For Dummies
Nikhil Abraham is the CFO of Udacity, a startup that offers technical skills to help people start or enhance their careers. Nik previously worked at Codecademy, where he taught starting developers from a variety of vocations. He's also the author of Coding For Dummies and How to Get a Coding Job For Dummies.
The demand for coders outnumbers the number of people who comprehend the languages that enable technology. When you're ready to add this essential item to your professional portfolio, Coding All-in-One For Dummies is an excellent place to start. This resource introduces the languages and techniques you'll need to know whether you need to learn how to code to develop a web page or an application or explore how coding drives the data revolution.
Peek inside to master the fundamentals of simple web languages fast, then progress to thinking like a professional coder and using languages that power large apps. Look inside for instructions on how to begin maintaining a website, developing the next great mobile app, or exploring the world of data science. There's something here for everyone, whether you're seeking for a thorough beginner's guide or a reliable reference for when you run into code issues.
- Create website code
- Get the tools you need to make a mobile app.
- Learn about the languages that power data science.
- Machine learning tools will shape the future of coding.
Coding All-in-One For Dummies is designed to drive coding rookies to the ranks of professional programmers at a time when the demand for skilled coders is at an all-time high.
Author: Nikhil Abraham
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