iOS 15 Programming for Beginners
Ahmad Sahar works at Tomafuwi Productions as a trainer, presenter, and consultant, focusing in macOS and iOS training classes, macOS Support Essentials certification courses, and iOS Development courses.
Craig Clayton is a self-taught senior iOS programmer at Fan Reach who focuses on developing mobile experiences for NBA, NHL, CHL, and NFL teams. He also volunteered for three years as the organizer of the Suncoast iOS meetup group in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area, preparing presentations and hands-on talks for this and other community groups.
iOS mobile apps continue to be extremely popular, with nearly 2 million apps available on the App Store. By publishing their apps on the App Store, anyone may reach millions of clients all over the world. iOS 15 Programming for Beginners is a thorough introduction to iOS for individuals who are new to the platform. It walks you through the full process of learning the Swift programming language, creating your own app, and uploading it to the App Store.
iOS 15 Programming for Beginners , along with hands-on lessons, projects, and self-assessment questions, will help you get well-versed in the Swift language to create your apps and present intriguing new technologies that you can implement into your apps. You'll learn how to publish iOS apps, as well as how to use Mac Catalyst, SharePlay, SwiftUI, Swift concurrency, and other tools.
By the end of this iOS development book, you'll have the knowledge and skills to create and launch intriguing apps, as well as leverage the web tools available to help you along your app development journey.
What you will discover:
- Learn the essentials of Xcode 13 and Swift 5.5, the foundations of iOS development.
- Learn how to use storyboards to prototype an app.
- Learn about the Model-View-Controller design pattern and how to implement it in your app.
- Use the most recent iOS features, such as Swift Concurrency and SharePlay.
- With Mac Catalyst, you can convert an existing iPad app into a Mac app.
- Using design patterns and best practices, create, deploy, and test your iOS applications.
iOS 15 Programming for Beginners is intended for programmers who are new to Swift and iOS app development. Basic programming skills, such as loops and booleans, is required.
Author: Ahmad SaharCraig Clayton
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Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars (from 24 reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #79,534 in Books
#2 in Apple Programming
#3 in Swift Programming Language
#12 in Macintosh Operating System