Courage the Cowardly Dog
Courage the Cowardly Dog, one of Cartoon Network's oddest cartoons, first aired in 1996. Courage, an apprehensive anthropomorphic pink dog, was adopted by an old couple who lived in the midst of Nowhere, and the story followed her.
Courage had to put his concerns aside in every episode, confronting mystical powers, demons, zombies, and other really terrifying creatures in order to protect his owners, who were sometimes unaware of the danger waiting around the corner. Muriel, the elderly woman, loves to spend care of Courage, but her cruel old husband, Eustace, with a terrifying mask, always tease him to tremble and howl in terror.
Genre: Horror / Black comedy, Supernatural
Created by: John R. Dilworth
No. of seasons: 4
No. of episodes: 52 (102 segments)