Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo, another early classic, made an impression on viewers when it initially aired in 1996. Johnny Bravo, an Elvis-inspired teen boy with large blonde hair and a daily uniform of black sunglasses, a tight-fitting black T-shirt to show off his muscles, and blue trousers, was the protagonist of the program.
Johnny attempts to win the affections of the women he met, usually failing and being sidetracked by interruptions from his next-door neighbor, Suzy, a little girl who adores Johnny. Although the show's comedy is targeted at teenagers and even adults, it is also suitable for kids. The pratfall comedy and Johnny's unwavering narcissism in the face of defeat will content many lessons to learn for viewers.
Genre: Comedy
Created by: Van Partible
No. of seasons: 4
No. of episodes: 65 (whole)/179 (segments)