Credit cards
Bosnia is a cash-based society, which may be due to the fact that the country is just now beginning to recover from the economic collapse that followed the Bosnian War. There are ATMs accessible, but expect to spend up to 7% in fees, conversions, and commissions. Because most restaurants, stores, and cafés do not take credit or debit cards, we recommend bringing cash. In most major cities, credit cards are accepted at top hotels and restaurants, and ATMs are available.
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., are the hours for banking. In 2019, credit cards accounted for over 15% of all payment cards issued in Bosnia and Herzegovina, totaling nearly 250,000. Debit cards were increasingly common in the country that year, with roughly 1.7 million being issued. The figures offered are estimates based on the information banks must furnish to the country's central bank. Owning a payment card does not automatically imply that it is used frequently, as there are significant disparities in the use of particular payment methods across Europe.