The official currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the mark, which is also used by the Republika Srpska. However, many places, particularly along the Bosnian – Croatian border, take euros or even Croatian kuna. $1 USD is around 1.69 kilometers, whereas €1 is little under 1.95 kilometers.
Tourists can typically pay in USD or Euros at a disadvantageous exchange rate, while in regions near the border, residents accept the Croatian Kuna. But, especially outside of touristic regions, don't count on anyone accepting foreign currencies. Bosnia and Herzegovina's currency is the Konvertibilna Marka (BAM), which is made up of 100 pfeninga. Some Euro notes are accepted (but not coins).
The Euro and the US Dollar are the two most often used foreign currencies. In most major cities, credit cards are accepted at top hotels and restaurants, and ATMs are available. Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., are the hours for banking.