Crystal Park

Crystal Park ranks 2nd on the list of the best day trips from Montana. Crystal Park, located in the Pioneer Mountains, is a great place to spend the day. Crystal Park is a one-of-a-kind amusement park located in the Pioneer Mountains of southwestern Montana at an elevation of 7,800 feet. Crystal Park is only open for day use and charges per vehicle. There are three picnic areas with tables and grills, as well as information signs, restrooms, and a paved path with benches and views. Facilities are designed to be accessible to everyone.
Quartz crystals are abundant in the decomposed granite of the unique 220-acre site dedicated to the popular hobby of rock hunting by the Forest Service. Quartz crystals are hexagonal hexagonal prisms with a pointed "face" at each end. Crystal Park crystals can be clear, opaque, white, gray or purple due to the minerals within the quartz. They can be as small as your little finger or as large as several inches in diameter. Gray crystals are called "smoke", while purple crystals are called amethyst. At Crystal Park, single crystals are most common. Rockhounding is a fun family activity as little hands can get under and get dirty while searching for hidden treasure. Enjoy your day by bringing a picnic!
Google Rating: 4.8 / 5.0
Address: 420 Barrett StreetDillon, MT 59725
Phone: 406-683-3900