Currency In Kazakhstan
The majority of places in Kazakhstan prefer cash transactions. As a result, it is critical that you bring adequate cash with you on your vacation. Cash is useful in a variety of situations, from local small grocery stores to fine dining establishments. Please familiarize yourself with the local currency before traveling and bring the appropriate amount of cash. Kazakhstan uses the Kazakh Tenge, with 1 USD equaling 370TEN in October 2018.
Many banks and organizations across the country offer easy exchange of Euros and US Dollars. Just keep in mind that, with the exception of Russian Rubles, they aren't huge admirers of their neighbors' currencies. ATMs are widespread in the larger towns, and many places in Almaty accept credit cards. However, take cash with you anytime you go to the countryside.
The tourism business is gradually improving: guides are becoming more knowledgeable, more tourists are arriving, and prices are falling. In Kazakhstan, transportation accounts for a large portion of the tour fee, but if you join a scheduled group trip (which was previously unavailable due to a lack of tourists), you can save a lot of money and receive a great deal. Furthermore, getting there is an important part of the journey.