A brand from Spain is ranked eighth on Instagram, with 28.1K followers. Danone was founded about a century ago as a result of the founder's humane aim, and it swiftly rose to prominence as a well-known global brand. Issac Caruso created Danone in 1919 in Barcelona, Spain. Danone and the fresh cheese-producing Gervais company joined in 1967. Charles Gervais began this business in 1850 and is regarded as the "father" of fresh cheese. Later, the Danone Group acquired the world-renowned milk brand and the clean drinking water brand Evian. All of these "sub" brands played a role in the choice to establish the huge Danone brand that exists today. The company focuses on dairy products, drinking water, medical nutrition, child nutrition, and other four key business sectors.
The brand's guiding principle is "For people and life". Danone has expanded its initial goal of simply improving children's nutrition and health to include the notion that nutrition is the most crucial component of a healthy lifestyle and the path to human health and happiness. wholesome and trustworthy. That kind of service to people and their lives is Danone's commercial opportunity. Increased research, invention, improvement, ongoing product diversification, full and timely information, and explanations have all contributed to Danone's ability to be regularly present in all facets of people's daily lives, accompanying them, and being seen as a crucial component of those lives. This Danone philosophy, which is also the key to their success, has piqued the interest of consumers.
Detailed information:
Website: http://www.danone.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Danone
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danone_algerie/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Danone