Day Forest National Park
Day Forest National Park is the next name on the list of the best places to visit in Djibouti that Toplist has compiled for you. In 1939, Day Forest National Park, with a total size of 150.2 km2, was designated as a significant national park. There are numerous species of life, particularly plants.
Several varieties of exotic plants, such as ficus trees, and ziziphus, are among the park's highlights. They are remnants of a time when the Sahara was carpeted in flowers and gramineae. A lovely palm tree forest may be found halfway between Randa and the Day Forest, by the Bankoualé waterfall. The Djibouti Francolin is one of the park's endemic birds in this park, while mammals include the grevy's zebra, baboon, hunter's antelope, gazelle, warthog, and others. If you are interested in nature, a trip to Day Forest National Park in Djibouti will not disappoint you!
Location: Day Forest National Park, Djibouti