
"Daytripper" is a graphic novel that tells the story of Brás de Oliva Domingos, a writer living in Brazil. The book highlights different moments in Brás' life. What makes this book unique is its structure. It tells Brás' life story, but not in chronological order.

Each chapter of the book has been a separate moment in Brás' life, often depicting significant events like birth, death, love, and loss. The authors explore how the smallest choices can lead to different outcomes in life. The story combines elements of magical realism, philosophy, and a deep exploration of the human experience.

As the book unfolds, it delves into themes of mortality, fate, and the passage of time. It invites readers to reflect on their own lives, the choices they make, and the fleeting nature of existence. The artwork is equally stunning, with vivid colors and expressive illustrations that help convey the emotions and depth of the narrative. The setting in Brazil adds a unique cultural flavor to the story.

"Daytripper" is a thought-provoking and emotional journey. The book encourages us to contemplate the fragile beauty of life and cherish each moment.

Authors: Gabriel Ba (Author), Fabio Moon (Author)

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Ratings: 4.7 out of 5 stars (from 1,364 reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #87,224 in Books

#54 in Comedic Dramas & Plays

#142 in DC Comics & Graphic Novels

#210 in Fantasy Graphic Novels (Books)

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