Through the Woods

"Through the Woods" is a collection of hauntingly beautiful and spooky tales written and illustrated by Emily Carroll. The author takes readers on a thrilling journey through eerie and chilling folktales. Carroll's storytelling and artwork create a sense of uncertainty and suspense.

The book tells various creepy tales, all dealing with fear, isolation, and the unknown. Her stories are filled with paranormals, from ghostly sightings of mysterious creatures lurking in the shadows. They evoke a sense of foreboding and intrigue that stays with readers long after they've finished reading. Drawing from fairy tales and gothic horror, "Through the Woods" provides an immersive experience that makes you engrossed.

With its gorgeous visuals and spin-chilling storytelling, "Through the Woods" blends suspense and psychological tension. It blurs the line between reality and the supernatural, inviting you to confront your deepest fears and engage with the hidden corners of the human psyche. This book is a must-read for those who enjoy eerie stories and haunting artwork.

Author: Emily Carroll

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Ratings: 4.6 out of 5 stars (from 2,052 reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #36,826 in Books

#59 in Teen & Young Adult Fairy Tale & Folklore Adaptations

#98 in Teen & Young Adult Wizards & Witches Fantasy

#279 in Short Stories Anthologies

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