Dining Etiquette
Typically, invitations are made verbally. Both in professional and social settings, Norwegians are on time. Consult your hosts about the appropriate attire. Offer to assist the hostess with the meal's preparation or cleanup afterward. Don't talk about business. Norwegians keep their personal and professional life apart. Answer any invitation. In contrast to what one might anticipate from an egalitarian and easygoing culture, table manners are more formal.
While dining, use your left hand for the fork and your right hand for the knife. Wait till the hostess starts to eat before starting. Utensils are used to eat the majority of meals, including sandwiches. When you're done eating, lay your knife and fork across your plate with their handles pointing to the right and their prongs downward.
The hostess is thanked on behalf of the other guests by the male guest of honor, who is often seated to the hostess' left (thanks for the meal). The first toast is made by the host after a brief speech. During the meal, toast the host or hostess. Toasts may be made by women. Beer is not used to make toasts; instead, alcoholic beverages are. When someone is being toasted, raise your glass, turn to face them, take a sip, and then glance at them once more before setting it back on the table. After a toast, women must first put their cups down.