Diploma in Journalism (Alison)
With this online course that includes an exam, you will receive third-level training for pre-college basic learning leading to your own diploma in journalism. Over 32,000 people have already signed up. Allison professors are highly qualified and highly regarded in their specialties, as well as in online education.
Interviewing skills, story organization, editorial ethics, digital media, print journalism, and editing are among the course modules. After the 15 hours of on-demand video teaching, you'll get digital materials, skills evaluations, and a certificate or diploma. Alison hires only the finest in their professions to train as instructors, and she provides skill assessments before and after each course, as well as a certificate or diploma. Sign up for free and take advantage of their low-cost premium services.
- Intermediate level
- 15 hours on demand video
- Expert journalists as teachers
- Skills assessment
- Downloadable resources
- Diploma
Website: alison.com/fr/cours/diplome-en-journalisme-revise-en-2018