Discarding the shells
If you decide to remove the shells from your shrimp, throwing them away is a waste of time. Keeping your shrimp shells will provide you with a flavorful ingredient for a delicious stock. Shrimp shells are rich in flavorful sugars that can be extracted easily in a pot of water. Shrimp stock is similar to fish stock but much sweeter, making it a great base for soups and stews.
Making stock from hollow shrimp shells is simple. Simply bring a pot of water to a boil, then add aromatics like lemon, onion, peppercorns, and parsley (all of which complement seafood), followed by the shells. After that, the shells only need about 10 minutes in the pot to release all of their sugars. Not only does using your shells contribute to a more sustainable home kitchen but using the shells to make stock increases the value of your purchase.