Donten ni Warau

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Nguyển Minh Hạnh

Donten ni Warau originated as a Japanese manga series and subsequently received an anime adaptation. The narrative unfolds against the historical backdrop of Japan's Meiji era, centering on the Kumou Brothers: Tenka, Soramaru, and Chutaro. These three siblings find themselves entrusted with the solemn duty of incarcerating dangerous criminals on the secluded Gokumonjou prison island, located within the expanse of Lake Biwa.

The Kumou Brothers each have their distinct personalities and motivations. The storyline seamlessly weaves in supernatural components, including the Orochi - potent serpent-like entities endowed with singular abilities. As the brothers grapple with their responsibilities and confront the challenges of their era, they also face supernatural forces and uncover dark secrets.

Donten ni Warau has garnered attention for its engaging story, well-developed characters, and the blending of historical and supernatural elements. Fans appreciate its unique setting and the exploration of themes relevant to the Meiji era. The series delves into the struggles and growth of its characters while navigating the challenges of their age. If you're interested in anime that combines historical drama with supernatural intrigue, Donten ni Warau might be worth exploring.

Detailed information:

  • Directed by: Hiroshi Haraguchi and Juria Matsumura (assistant)
  • Released: October 4, 2014 – December 20, 2014
  • Link to watch:
  • IMDb Rating: 6.9/10
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    Video by Eleven Arts

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