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Nguyển Minh Hạnh

Katanagatari is recognized as a prominent anime series involving martial arts, swordplay, and the historical backdrop of Japan's Edo period. Created by Nisio Isin and illustrated by Take, Katanagatari is an adaptation of a light novel series. The story orbits around Shichika Yasuri, a swordless swordsman, and Togame, a strategist aligned with the shogunate, as they embark on an expedition to amass a collection of twelve fabled swords.

Character progression and interactions are central focal points within the anime. Shichika is a unique protagonist; he fights using his body as a weapon due to his martial arts training. Meanwhile, Togame is a clever and resourceful strategist supporting Shichika's quest. Their evolving relationship and the dynamics between the characters contribute significantly to the series' appeal. Each episode revolves around pursuing a specific sword and the challenges that arise during its retrieval.

The series is known for its dialogues, which are often lengthy and philosophical, offering insights into characters' motivations and worldviews. The storytelling balances action with dialogue-driven moments, contributing to the show's unique narrative style.

is distinct from traditional ninja-themed anime, focusing more on swordsmanship, character interactions, and storytelling. While opinions about the best anime can vary, Katanagatari is appreciated for its originality, engaging characters, and unconventional approach to the historical action genre.

Detailed information:

  • Directed by: Keitarō Motonaga
  • Released: January 26, 2010 – December 11, 2010
  • Link to watch: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1945730/?ref_=ttep_ep_tt
  • IMDb Rating: 7.8/10
Photo on Flickr (https://www.flickr.com/photos/dannychoo/8501267091)
Photo on Flickr (https://www.flickr.com/photos/dannychoo/8501267091)
Video by Kevin Nyaa

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