Dungeon Reset
"Dungeon Reset" is an enthralling Manhwa that follows the story of Dawoon, whose ordinary life takes an unexpected turn when he is summoned into the treacherous Dungeon. Within the Dungeon, Dawoon must navigate deadly games, battling dangerous monsters and facing life-threatening traps. What makes his situation even more challenging is the fact that he is a mere crafter with no combat abilities.
However, everything changes for Dawoon after he falls into a trap and survives a glitched reset. Through this incident, he gains random but strangely advantageous skills. With these newfound abilities, Dawoon must think outside the box to progress through the game and find a way back home. Alongside him on this perilous journey are a bloodthirsty assistant and an adorable ground squirrel.
This charming pet quickly becomes a beloved character in the series, adding a touch of whimsy to the otherwise intense and action-packed storyline. Dawoon, along with his bloodthirsty assistant, now navigates the Dungeon's mysteries with the help of his newfound abilities and his lovable furry friend.
The inclusion of this delightful pet injects a unique blend of humor, camaraderie, and heartwarming moments into the "Dungeon Reset" narrative. As the story unfolds, readers can't help but root for Dawoon and his adorable ground squirrel as they explore the limitless possibilities awaiting them in the perilous tunnels below. In a world where the rules no longer apply, it's clear that this unlikely duo will continue to capture the hearts of fans and play a pivotal role in the unfolding adventures of "Dungeon Reset."
- Authors: Antstudio, DAUL
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Isekai
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 173
- Read here: https://www.tappytoon.com/en/book/dungeon-reset