Taming Master
In "Taming Master," the protagonist, Ian, embarks on an extraordinary journey in the virtual world of 'Kaillan.' The story revolves around his daring decision to delete his Level 93 Archer character, which had secured him a top spot in the game's leaderboards. Ian's motivation behind this drastic move is to pursue a hidden class he stumbled upon - the Summoner class, notorious for being the most worthless in Kaillan.
The Summoner class may seem like a poor choice, but Ian's academic future depends on it. He has just two months to reach his previous level 93 rank, facing Kaillan's harsh leveling system, rumored to take over a year to reach Level 100. This sets the stage for Ian's relentless struggle to regain his standing in the gaming world, earning him the title of 'Taming Master.'
As the manhwa unfolds, readers are sure to be captivated by Ian's determination and the challenges he faces in taming his virtual pets and leveling up in record time. "Taming Master" promises an exhilarating tale of perseverance, strategy, and the unbreakable bond between a gamer and his summoned creatures.
- Author(s): Bing Bing Go, Park Taesuk
- Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Fantasy
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 123
- Read here: https://topmanhua.com/manhua/taming-master/