Dungeon Seeker
"Dungeon Seeker" is a dark fantasy manga series written by Sakamoto 666 and illustrated by Ruria Miyuki. It was serialized in the manga magazine "Young Ace Up" and later compiled into tankobon volumes. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the manga had not been completed, so there may have been developments in the story since then.
The story of "Dungeon Seeker" follows the protagonist, Kanami Kentarou, who is betrayed and left for dead by his fellow adventurers in a treacherous dungeon. He is resurrected by a mysterious and vengeful entity known as a "Dungeon Core" and granted a unique power to seek revenge on those who wronged him.
Driven by his desire for revenge, Kanami embarks on a dark and brutal journey through dungeons, facing powerful monsters and otherworldly challenges. Along the way, he encounters various characters, some of whom aid him in his quest while others hinder him.
"Dungeon Seeker" is known for its mature themes, graphic violence, and exploration of the darker aspects of human nature. It's a series that delves into the consequences of betrayal and revenge, and it may not be suitable for all readers due to its explicit content.
Authors: Sakamoto 666
Genres: Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Status: Completed
Chapters: 29 chapters
Read here: https://www.mangaread.org/manga/dungeon-seeker/