Tokyo Revengers
"Tokyo Revengers" is a popular manga series written and illustrated by Ken Wakui. The series falls under the genres of action, thriller, and supernatural, and it has gained a significant following since its debut in 2017.
The story revolves around Takemichi Hanagaki, a young man in his late twenties who has hit rock bottom in life. When he learns that his former girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana, and her younger brother have been tragically murdered by a gang, Takemichi is suddenly transported 12 years back in time to his middle school years. With this newfound ability to time leap, Takemichi resolves to change the course of history and prevent the deaths of his loved ones.
"Tokyo Revengers" combines elements of time travel, gang warfare, and mystery as Takemichi navigates the past to unravel the events that led to the tragic murders. He becomes entangled with Tokyo's most notorious gang, the Tokyo Manji Gang, and must confront various challenges, including power struggles, betrayals, and personal growth.
The manga is known for its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and intense action sequences. It explores themes of friendship, redemption, and the consequences of one's choices. Due to its engaging storytelling and relatable characters, "Tokyo Revengers" has garnered a dedicated fanbase and has been adapted into an anime series, further expanding its popularity.
Authors: Ken Wakui
Genres: Action, Drama, Time Travel
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: Over 2000 chapters
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