Eat regularly throughout the day
Overeating at night has been linked to erratic eating patterns, which are frequently labeled as disordered eating. Eating at regular intervals throughout the day, in accordance with "normal" eating patterns, can assist in keeping your blood sugar stable. It can also help you avoid feeling hungry, tired, irritable, or having a perceived lack of food, all of which can lead to a binge. When you are extremely hungry, you are more likely to make poor food choices and gravitate toward high fat, high sugar, and processed foods.
According to research, people who eat three or more times per day have better appetite control and are less likely to gain weight. Eating less than three times per day is thought to impair your ability to control your appetite and food choices. It is important to note, however, that results in this area have been mixed. The best eating frequency for managing hunger and the amount of food consumed is likely to differ between individuals.