Electric Eel

Since they are related to catfish and carp rather than eels, technically speaking, electric eels aren't considered to be eels. These animals, which may be found in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins, share one of the most unusual and distinctive evolutionary properties in nature: the capacity to generate electricity. Only a few other species, such as electric rays and electric catfish, have been known to attack people, however there haven't been many instances of this.
But electric eels have consistently shown to be among the most hazardous fish to come across in the wild. When sufficiently enraged, they may produce up to 600 volts of electricity to fend off predators. Even though there haven't been many fatalities associated with electric eel attacks, this may be more of a reflection of a dearth of records than anything else. People have undoubtedly drowned in shallow water after being electrocuted or died from respiratory or cardiac failure brought on by the shock.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Gymnotiformes
Family: Gymnotidae
Genus: Electrophorus