Goliath Tigerfish

Africa is home to the tigerfish family of fish, which can be identified by their enormous size and menacing-looking jaws. Some species, like the Goliath Tiger, which is mostly found in the Congo River and surrounding areas, may reach weights of up to 110 pounds and lengths of up to 1.8 meters, and that's just the largest one ever recorded.
The Goliath is the only species of tiger fish that often assaults swimmers and is generally hostile to anyone caught in its territory, despite the fact that the majority of tiger fish species are innocuous to people. It also attacks in a similar manner, so picture it as a terrifyingly larger piranha. Although they are not harmful, a simple glance would show that they are not necessary to be.
They frequently attack in bunches and may quickly dispatch much larger prey, as they frequently do. The easiest method to avoid coming into contact with one in the wild is to avoid swimming in the same bodies of water as them because they are territorially aggressive.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Characiformes
Family: Alestidae
Genus: Hydrocynus
Species: H. goliath