"Enemy" is a thriller film directed by Denis Villeneuve, released in 2013. The plot revolves around a college professor named Adam Bell, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, who leads a mundane and unfulfilling life. One day, a colleague recommends a movie to him, and when Adam watches it, he is shocked to discover an actor who looks exactly like him in a bit role. Intrigued and disturbed by the discovery, Adam becomes obsessed with finding out more about this mysterious doppelgänger.
At its core, "Enemy" appears to be a metaphor for the exploration of the self. The presence of the doppelgängers, Adam and Anthony, suggests a symbolic representation of the internal conflicts and hidden desires within an individual. Both characters may be different aspects of the same person's psyche, with Adam embodying the restrained and controlled self, while Anthony represents the unrestrained and instinctual self.
Hence, "Enemy" can be seen as an exploration of one's own struggle to confront and accept his own shadows. This search for self-awareness leads to intense climax that manifests in the external world, blurring the lines between reality and the psychological realm.
Release: 2013
Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Mélanie Laurent, Sarah Gadon
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 71%