"Vertigo," directed by Alfred Hitchcock, revolves around John "Scottie" Ferguson, a retired San Francisco detective who suffers from acrophobia after a fellow officer's tragic death during a rooftop chase. Scottie is approached by his old college friend, Gavin Elster, to investigate his wife, Madeleine, as he believes she is behaving strangely and possibly possessed.
As Scottie starts tailing Madeleine, he becomes deeply infatuated with her. Despite his growing love for Madeleine, Scottie fails to prevent her tragic death when she jumps from a church tower. Grief-stricken and guilt-ridden, he falls into a deep depression and becomes haunted by her memory.
Later, Scottie encounters Judy Barton, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Madeleine. He becomes fixated on her and gradually unravels the truth behind the elaborate murder plot orchestrated by Gavin.
"Vertigo" is a visual and auditory masterpiece, with Hitchcock's signature style evident in every frame. The haunting cinematography, iconic score by Bernard Herrmann, and brilliant performances by James Stewart and Kim Novak contribute to the film's lasting impact as one of the best movies about doppelgangers.
Release: 1958
Stars: James Stewart, Kim Novak, Barbara Bel Geddes
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 92%