Ereshkigal/ Irkalla: The Goddess Of The Underworld
Ereshkigal, also known as Irkalla, was revered as the ruler of the underworld in Sumerian mythology. Her name, Irkalla, is the Greek mythology equivalent of Hades. The names for the realm of the underworld and its gods are Irkalla and Hades, respectively. She is referred to in literature as Ninkigal, which is Sami for "Lady of the Great Earth." In the realm of the dead, she was the only female legislator and judge. She shared control of Irkalla with Nergal, who was her consort. The primary temple of Ereshkigal was located in Kutha. She is referred to as Inanna's elder sister in the historic poem Inanna's Descent to the Underworld.
One of the two myths centered on Irkalla is the goddess Inanna's fall into the underworld. Inanna visits the underworld in an effort to strengthen her abilities. Neti, the gatekeeper, is instructed to seal all the gates and open them one at a time as Inanna takes off bits of her clothing when Enki, the god of water, is notified about it. When Neti complies with these directives, Inanna is rendered helpless and nude when she approaches the throne. The seven judges find Inanna guilty and sentence her to death, with her body being hung from a hook so that everyone may view it. Ereshkigal agrees to aid Inanna after Ninshubur, Inanna's second in command, appeals to her. With food and water, she sends two sexless animals to resuscitate her smaller sister. Two demons arrive and request someone else to take her place as they attempt to remove her from the underworld. Inanna orders the devils to take her husband in her place after learning that he did not grieve for her death. It is Ereshkigal who revives Inanna.