Erin Brockovich

Erin Brockovich is a movie that we highly recommend. We all believe it should be considered among the best movies about divorces and how divorced women can withstand any difficulty and hardship that life throws their way.
In the movie, our titular character (played by Julia Roberts), a divorced woman, is in a difficult situation. Erin begs her lawyer Ed Masry (portrayed by Albert Finney), to recruit her to his legal office after an automobile accident (for which she is not at blame). Erin discovers some medical information in the real estate files. She persuades Ed to give her permission to investigate, where she uncovers a cover-up involving tainted water in a rural town that is causing debilitating ailments among the locals.
The screenplay is well-written and straightforward, making it simple to comprehend despite the difficult subject matter. In addition to Roberts' Oscar triumph, the film was nominated for five other awards, namely Best Picture, Best Screenplay (for Susannah Grant), Best Supporting Actor (for Albert Finney), and Best Director (for Steven Soderbergh).
"Erin Brockovich" is hardly a life-altering, earth-shattering picture. However, it is also interesting, humorous, and even seductive. It creates a perfect role for Julia Roberts to eventually be able to demonstrate on-screen her acting talent's complexity, together with her immense beauty and forthright sexuality. Simply said, it is everything we have ever wanted from a Julia Roberts picture.
Year of Release: 2000
Stars: Julia Roberts, Albert Finney
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 85%