The First Wives Club

The First Wives Club was released in 1996 - more than two decades ago - and yet, its festive plotlines still leave quite an impact on us.
In The First Wives Club, a middle-aged divorcee commits herself by jumping from her rooftop - upon learning that her ex-husband had married a younger woman. At the woman's burial, her college classmates (Goldie Hawn, Bette Midler, and Diane Keaton) reconnect after almost three decades. When the three learn the cause of their friend's death, they all realize a painful truth: that all their ex-husbands took them for granted. As a result, they establish a vow to get vengeance on their former spouses.
"The First Spouses Club" is witty and feisty enough to delight even all the second wives. This is a prime example of a high-concept film, the premise of which is amusing on its own; it's unfortunate that the tale isn't more structured and relies largely on the schtick of the performers.
Indeed, the film's success is due to the synergy between the three hilarious stars. They are the Triple Stooges of female vengeance fantasy: fighting, backbiting, whining, and always making wisecracks - the greatest of which is offered by Midler as she observes her husband purchasing a little envelope of chiffon for his new buddy: "Morty, can't you buy the whole dress?"
Year of Release: 1996
Stars: Goldie Hawn, Bette Midler, Diane Keaton
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 50%