Essentials of Geology
Since 1970, Fred Lutgens and Ed Tarbuck have been good friends and colleagues. They have over 57 years of combined experience teaching geology to undergraduates, and both have received awards for being excellent and inspiring professors. They all have a special interest in teaching geology to beginning students and believe in the importance of field experiences for students of all levels.
The 13th Edition of Essentials of Geology, from the renowned Lutgens/Tarbuck/Tasa team, continues to improve the text's readability, illustrations, and emphasis on fundamental principles. This revision includes a structured learning path as well as a dependable, consistent framework for mastering chapter concepts. This edition provides a unique, interactive, and engaging learning experience for readers with a fully integrated mobile media program that includes new Mobile Field Trip and Project Condor quadcopter videos, as well as new animations and videos.
MasteringTM Geology is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to complement this text and help students engage and achieve better results. Individualized coaching is provided by interactive, self-paced tutorials to help students stay on track. Students can actively learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult concepts by engaging in a variety of activities.
Author: Fred Lutgens and Ed Tarbuck
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Best Sellers Rank: #594,236 in Books
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#372 in Geology (Books)