Ethnographic Open Air Museum

In Riga, there is an outdoor museum called the Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum (also known as the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia). This skansen-style museum is located 30 minutes from the city center on the east shore of Lake Jugla. If you're interested in learning more about Latvian culture, don't miss this attraction.

118 traditional buildings from the four provinces of Latvia have been brought to this location and meticulously restored. The most recent is from the 1930s, while the oldest is from the 1600s. The only location in the nation where you may compare the cultural variances amongst the provinces of Kurzeme, Latgale, Vidzeme, and Zemgale is the museum. The majority of the structures in the Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum are the farmsteads of farmers, artisans, and fisherman, each of which contains a variety of things on display, including home and work tools and furnishings. The artifacts, along with the historical structures, let visitors get a sense of Latvia's rural landscape by defining the era and its former location.

You can learn about traditional sauna self-care techniques, see examples of traditional weaving, browse a collection of tools used in bygone trades, make your own ceramics, forge coins, sample traditional Latvian cuisine, and learn about seasonal events in Latvia by visiting Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum. The museum was built in 1824 and is situated in an 87-hectare pine forest with cross-country ski paths in the winter.

Address: Brīvdabas iela Riga 1024

Phone: +371 67 994 510

Opening hours: 10:00 - 17:00

Rating: 4.5/5.0, 887 Tripadvisor reviews


Image by Maciej Cisowski via
Image by Maciej Cisowski via
Image from website of Ethnographic Open Air Museum
Image from website of Ethnographic Open Air Museum

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