House of the Blackheads

The House of the Fraternity of Black Heads is Tallinn's lone remaining example of a Renaissance structure. The majestic House of the Blackheads, which was originally constructed in the 1330s for an association of single merchants and shipowners, is without a doubt the center of attention on Town Hall Square. During the Hanseatic era, this lavishly decorated brick structure served as a hub for commerce and trade in Riga. Also, because they were bachelors, the Blackheads were renowned for energizing Riga society by planning events.

In the first part of the 16th century, the House of Black Heads acquired the land and added a new vault-free hall. The façade had a significant rebuild in 1597, when it was redone in the manner of Renaissance architecture from the Low Countries, complete with lavish embellishments and carved carvings. From the 1640s comes one of Tallinn's most striking painted doors. The 15th-century two-nave, arched guildhall that was purchased from the Olaf Guild. The magnificent Celebration Hall and the collection of antique silver are must-sees, while the original, 14th-century vaults in the basement are also worth visiting.

The structure underwent modifications in the 16th and 19th centuries before being completely destroyed in a 1941 German air strike. After the Soviet era, the reconstruction began, and it was completed in 1999. From Tuesday to Sunday, you can visit to find out more about the Blackheads and the origins of the structure.

Address: Pikk 26, Tallinn 10133 Estonia
Phone: unknown
Opening hours: all day
Rating: 4.0/5.0, 101 Tripadvisor reviews

Image by Martin Kleppe via
Image by Martin Kleppe via
Image by Vlad Fonsark via
Image by Vlad Fonsark via

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