
eTurboNews is a business-to-business and business-to-consumer online distribution of news and information relevant to the global travel trade, as well as a specialist travel trade PR and marketing service, partnerships with world travel and tourism bodies such as UNWTO, WTTC, and ICTP, and media partnerships with travel fairs such as WTM London and IMEX-Frankfurt.
Their flagship news service, eTurboNews, is a multi-daily bulletin of reports written by a global team of contributing editors, writers, guest analysts, and occasional correspondents, focusing on events, company news, market trends, new routes and services, political and legislative developments relevant to travel, transport, and tourism, and issues relating to tourism's role in poverty alleviation, as well as the industry's responsibility for the environment and human rights.
The reports' content is editorially regulated based on news values, significance, and accuracy, is copyright protected, and is independent of any advertising or sponsorship carried. The readership is a global opt-in subscriber email list of 255,000+ people, primarily travel trade professionals and specialist travel and tourism journalists. Other news media can syndicate and republish eTurboNews editorial articles on standard terms.
Founded: 2001
Headquarters: Honolulu, Hawaii, US
Facebook: eTurboNews (34N likes)
Instagram: @eturbonews (1.7N followers)
Twitter: @eTurboNews (21.7N followers)