Ewaso Ng’iro

When it comes to the longest rivers in Somalia, Ewaso Ng'iro is one of them. The river's name is taken from the language of the local people. It refers to a river with brown or muddy water. Some refer to it as the "Ewaso Nyiro."
The Ewaso Ng'iro River begins on the west slope of Mount Kenya and flows north, east, and eventually south-east, crossing into Somalia and joining the Jubba River. Ewaso Ng'iro flows into Lake Ol Bolossat and passes through seven arid to semi-arid areas. It is distinguished by a wide range of physiographic characteristics and species and has become an essential component of animal survival, as well as the increase in human population and socioeconomic advances. Due to the significant proportion required to sustain agricultural practices and climate variations, water, the scarce land resource offered by the Ewaso Ng'iro watershed, is unevenly distributed between the catchment's upper and lower portions.
Length: 435 miles