Fairy Tale eggplant
Fairy tale eggplants, as you might expect, have a fairly lovely look. Almost charming. The small nightshades are most commonly offered when they're just three to four inches long because, according to Aero Gardens, that's when their tender-sweet flavor is at its optimum. They contain few seeds and cook fast, making them ideal for grilling or roasting as a quick weekday side. These small beauties have rapidly become a staple at farmers' markets; All-America Selections attributes their popularity to the fact that fairy-tale eggplant is as good as it is beautiful. While some people propose grilling them whole, professionals recommend using them in moussaka dishes or just breading and frying them.
The exquisite deep purple and white striped flesh is delicate and thin, so handle them with care before preparing them. Another kind that does not require peeling; simply slice and go. This vegetable's soft flesh and rapid cooking time make it ideal for putting into a stir fry. Remember, because fairy tale eggplant is little, you'll want to be careful not to overcook it, especially when employing high-heat methods like grilling or roasting.