Farming Life in Another World
"Farming Life in Another World" breathes new life into the familiar farming anime genre. This captivating story revolves around Machio Hiraku, who, transported to a foreign realm where God fulfills his wishes, seizes the opportunity to embrace health, tranquility, and a life of farming. His journey unfolds as he immerses himself in this new culture, diligently learning their language and the art of farming to sustain himself.
What sets this anime apart is its profound character development. Viewers witness Machio's remarkable evolution from a novice peasant to an exceptional farmer. Alongside him, the well-rounded cast experiences personal growth, both mentally and physically, as they delve into the core values of life in this alien world.
"Farming Life in Another World" offers a refreshing perspective on resilience, adaptation, and the transformative power of pursuing one's dreams in the face of the unknown.
- Release date: January 6, 2023
- Developed by: Zero-G
- Number of episodes: 12
- Watch here: